Finding Confidence at Artisan Barber: Awel’s Big Chop

Finding Confidence at Artisan Barber: Awel’s Big Chop

When Awel Bol walked into Artisan Barber, it was clear she knew exactly what she wanted. With a confident stride and an easy smile, this Greensboro, North Carolina native had a story to tellβ€”one that was deeply connected to her hair. Awel recently moved to Jersey to pursue her modeling career in New York City, and her journey with short hair has been as transformative as her career itself.

Before Awel’s decision to do a big chop, she had a full head of long hair that she loved, but proved to give her problems when modeling in Greensboro. "I was always having to do my own hair before jobs because most stylists didn’t know how to work with my texture," she explained. It was frustrating and time-consuming, and it kept her from fully focusing on her work.

Unfortunately, many Black models in the industry deal with hairstylists that damage or leave their hair unfinished for jobs because they are not trained on how to care for or style their hair. But Awel’s agent had a solution: cut it off.

"At first, I was hesitant. My hair had always been long, and I wasn’t sure how I’d feel with it short," she admitted. But with the encouragement of her agent, who understood the challenges she was facing, Awel decided to take the plunge.

"It was scary, but also kind of freeing," she recalled. The decision wasn’t just about making life easierβ€”it was about embracing a new version of herself.

Since then, Awel’s short hair has become a defining feature of her look. She felt a lot of relief no longer having to stress over whether or not someone could style her hair properly. She can now walk into any shoot or runway show with confidence, knowing her hair is just as ready as she is.

Short hair, for Awel, means versatility and freedom. If she wants to grow it out a little, she can get braids or continue to keep it low. Her hair has become a tool that works for her, rather than something she has to work around.

One of her proudest moments was a runway show in Milan for the brand Act NΒ°1.”That was my moment when I was like, okay I can actually do this. You can get very discouraged in this industry so when someone believes in you, it’s a big deal.” 

For Awel, that moment was a confirmation that cutting her hair had been the right moveβ€”not just for her career, but for her sense of self.

When Awel stepped into our shop, she was looking to keep that sharpness. "Usually, when I get a haircut, it has to grow on me," she shared as our barber started working. "But this time, I’m like oh this looks good!”

Awel’s journey with short hair is a reminder that sometimes the boldest changes are the most empowering. At Artisan Barber, we’re here to help you find that power in your own style, whether you’re keeping it short like Awel or trying something entirely new.

Ready to embrace a look that’s all your own? Book your appointment today here and check out our range of products to keep your hair looking its best. At Artisan Barber, we’re all about helping you find confidence in every cut.