Self-Care: Benefits of Meditation

Self-Care: Benefits of Meditation

Meditation can appeal to people and repel them for many of the same reasons. A lot of individuals find it peaceful to have those 10-30 minutes of moments of silence, where their mind is free of the stresses and distractions of everyday life. Others find these periods of silence unsettling and find that their thoughts are racing more than ever.


Meditation takes practice and skill and it’s completely normal to not perfect it the first few times doing it. Perhaps your breathing is off or you get easily distracted in the process. Regardless of what it is, time and dedication to meditation will get you to the state of peace you seek.


If you need more incentive to incorporate meditation in your life or to keep doing it, read on and we’re sure we’ll be able to convince you of its positive benefits in your life.


● Stress reducer and eases anxiety. These are one of the main reasons people seek out meditation. Taking time out of your day to just be with yourself and focus solely on providing a peaceful moment for yourself is so important for your emotional and mental health. Studies have shown how meditation can aid in stress reduction and anxiety.


● Increases your self awareness. Meditation can also be a time when you reflect on your behavior, or any habits you have that can be harmful for you. This is not meant to be a time where you beat yourself up, but rather try to understand who you are even better.


● Your brain will be better preserved. A study from UCLA has shown that individuals who meditate actually have better preserved brains than their counterparts. For people who have meditated for a longer period of time, they will actually have more grey matter volume in their brains than those who didn’t meditate.


● Improved concentration and attention. Naturally, being able to dedicate long periods of time to meditation will have a positive effect on your concentration and attention span. Especially in this day and age with new technology and social media, our attention spans are waning and meditation is a great way to bridge that gap.


For more tips on self-care and what lifestyle changes you should incorporate in your routine, make sure to keep up with our magazine!
