Hair Tips All Naturals Should Follow

Hair Tips All Naturals Should Follow

Wearing your natural curls out on a regular basis isn’t for everyone. That’s why so many Black girls, such as myself, can recall that moment in time during their childhood, when their hair was chemically relaxed to make it β€œeasier” to manage.

Eventually, after years of being fed up with the heat damage straightening your hair consistently can cause, and the expenses that come with getting your hair relaxed, many of us decided to return to our natural locks.

Whether we transitioned, did the β€œbig chop,” or trimmed the heat damaged ends every so often, the end goal was the same: to get our hair back to the healthiest state possible. Now, being natural isn’t easy, especially if there are many years in your life when you weren’t natural.

You have to learn about your hair type, whether it’s low or high porosity. You also have to understand that taking care of natural hair requires discipline and the willingness to spend money because after all natural hair care products can be expensive.

We, the Artisan Luxury Brands team, are more than aware that going natural can be intimidating and you might not know where to start. These are hair care tips that every natural should follow to get their hair to peak healthiness.

● Don’t go overboard on products. This one is important, especially if you don’t yet know what type of porosity your hair is. If you have low porosity hair, you’ll find that using a bunch of different products on your hair, may just weigh it down and not have the desired effect that you’re looking for. It’s easy to get carried away when shopping for hair products, but make sure to do the research on what works for you and focus on what you really need.

● Give your hair a break. Manipulating your hair constantly can prevent it from growing and can cause breakage. This is where protective styles come in. Protective styles, whether they’re knotless braids, a wig or more, give your hair a much needed break from daily manipulation and are especially helpful in colder months.

● Trimming your ends is important, but doesn’t need to be done frequently. Now, this may vary depending on your hair, but I’ve found that trimming my hair twice a year works wonders for me. Especially if you’re trying to get your hair to grow, you’re not going to get much progress if you’re trimming it every other month.

● Silk is your best friend. This is a pretty common fact but silk does wonders for your hair, and skin as well! Whether you invest in a silk bonnet or silk pillowcases, your hair will thank you. This helps prevent breakage and aids in keeping your hair moisturized, what more could you want?

● Practice patience. One thing about natural hair is that it can test your patience. Whether a hairstyle didn’t come out how you wanted it to, or your hair isn’t growing as fast as you would like or products don’t work for you as well as others, just practice patience and eventually things will unfold as you would like.

Stay tuned for more tips on how to manage your mane